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Neo Kumfurt

Neo kumfurt EpiCare For Dogs

Neo kumfurt EpiCare For Dogs

Regular price ₹ 530.00
Regular price ₹ 599.00 Sale price ₹ 530.00
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  • Potassium Bromide, Cyanocobalamin & Extract through distillation process of : Convolvulus pluricaulis, Bacopa monnieri, Rauvolfia serpentina, Withania somnifera, Mentha arvensis & Trachyspermum ammi


  • Reasons : Eating poison, Liver Disease, Low or High Blood Sugar, Kidney Disease, Electrolyte problems, Anemia, Head injury, Encephlitis, Strokes, Brain Cancer
  • Symptoms : Collapsing, Jerking, Stiffening, Muscle Twitching, Loss of Conciousness, Drooling, Chomping, Tongue Chewing
  • Types : Grand mal seizure, Focal seizure, Psychomotor seizure, Seizures from unknown causes are called Idiopathic Epilepsy


  • Epi-care doesn't work its way through the liver, making it a better choice for young dogs that need medicine for life
  • Absorption, distribution and speed of metabolism can vary among dogs, published dose recommendation only serves as a general guide. Most new patients are started at the lower end of the dose range; however, patients with frequent or severe seizures are often best managed by starting at the higher end of the dose range or by using a loading dose. Unless you give a loading dose, it can take up to three or four months before it really begins to work.
  • Caution : If sedation, ataxia (hind end weakness and loss of coordination), increased urination, rare skin disorders, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting occurs, then you may administer the drug with food, or divide the daily dosage into two or more portions.
  • Toxicity can occur in dogs with renal insufficiency


  • Loading Dose- for Ist 5 days : 1.5 ml/kg/day (can be divided in 2-3 dosage)
  • Maintenance Dose :- 1 ml/3 kg/ day (can be divide in 2-3 dosage)
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